Brenna SchaeferHawkeye Community College NENA Director Brenna Schaefer is a Workforce Development Coordinator at Hawkeye Community College providing career development services to beneficiaries of the Social Security Disability programs through Ticket to Work. She has provided these services for over five years and was heavily involved in the start-up of the Hawkeye Employment Network (HEN) and Hawkeye Administrative Employment Network (HAEN.) She hopes to contribute to the growth of the HEN and Ticket toWork Program by assisting SSI/SSDI beneficiaries who are willing and able, enter or return the workforce. Brenna earned her certificate to provide Work Incentive Benefits Counseling through Cornell University in 2017. She states, “There are numerous work incentives available to beneficiaries, my goal is to provide that information to as many people as possible to help them make informed and educated decisions about their future. Stable employment is a major contributor to a person’s overall well-being and quality of life, which is why getting people [back] into the workforce is so important.” |